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地平线系列:认识自闭症 (2014)

Horizon: Living with Autism

演员: Uta Frith
类型: 纪录片
地区: 英国
语言: 英语
豆瓣得分: 8.0
IMDb: tt3653140


  2014英国纪录片《地平线系列:认识自闭症》Uta Frith主演,影片讲述的是:
When pioneering developmental psychologist Professor Uta Frith started her training back in the 1960s she met a group of beautiful brighteyed young children who seemed completely detached from the rest of the world
It turned out they had just been given the thennew diagnosis of autism Uta passionately wanted to know more about these children and they inspired her to dedicate the rest of her career to studying the autistic mind
Horizon reveals how Utas lifetime study of people with autism has transformed our understanding of this mysterious condition
In this film Uta shows how people with autism perceive the world and interact with their surroundings and how for them another kind of reality exists She meets people with autism who have extraordinary talents and explains why they often fail to understand jokes She also explores whether many of us could be just a little bit autistic